Portable Unit
Portable Instructional Video Link: https://youtu.be/QDclYN3DRDI
Charging The Unit
Fully charge the device using the USB-a to dual USB-c charging wire. Plug the USB-c wires into both the top and bottom charging ports. All lights will turn fully blue when charging is complete. Do NOT overcharge the battery by charging overnight.
Priming The Unit
Fill the bottle halfway with warm water and let sit for twenty minutes to prepare the hydrogen production. After twenty minutes, fill the bottle to the fill line and close the lid.
Make sure that the locking mechanism is pushed up to the unlocked position before closing. Once the lid is closed, you can slide the locking mechanism down to lock the bottle. Always slide up to the unlocked position to open and close the bottle.
Click the bottom power button to run the hydrogen cycle. You will see bubbles and green led lighting. After the three-minute cycle is complete, slide the locking mechanism up to the unlocked position, push the bottom of the locking mechanism to release the latch, open the unit, and discard the water.
Your processor is now primed and ready for use. (This should be performed upon first use and if you have not used the unit for a long period)
Unlocked Position (Slide Up)
Locked Position (Slide Down)
Processing The Water
Fill the unit with water to the fill line and close the lid. Once the lid is closed, you can slide the locking mechanism down to lock the device. Press both the top and bottom power buttons simultaneously to start the process. They each run separately and can be run either individually or together. We recommend that you run simultaneously to save time. The cycle time for both is three minutes.
You must run both to produce your Quantum Energy Hydrogen Water.
You will see three blue blinking lights along the top, green LED lighting, and bubbling inside the unit. When all lights turn off, the cycles are completed.
After completing the cycles, press the locking mechanism to open the top. Pour the water into a glass and drink immediately.
Do NOT drink directly from the unit.
Do NOT use cold or hot water in the device. Water must be at room temperature only.
We recommend natural spring water for the best results. Do not use water with a Ph higher than 8.5 in the unit.
Do NOT put anything besides natural spring or filtered water into the unit.
Do NOT activate the processor without water inside. It can damage the mechanism and will void the warranty.
Pour water into the mouth to the fill line
Top Power Button - MRET/ Quantum Energy Production
Bottom Power Button - Hydrogen Production
Discarding The Waste Water
During hydrogen water production, wastewater containing both ozone and chlorine is collected in the collection cup located at the bottom of the unit. When the collection cup is full, you will notice some water drops leak from the bottom during the normal hydrogen production cycle. Do not be alarmed - this is normal.
When this happens, it is time to open the silicone drainage underneath the unit and discard the wastewater.
Locate the silicone drainage on the bottom of the unit and open it to discard the wastewater. After that’s done, close it up, and you’re ready for continued use.
Silicone Drainage Release Plug
Daily Water Intake Calculator
As a rule of thumb, it is recommended that we drink at least eight cups of water daily to maintain the proper level of hydration.
Please take a look at the lights at the bottom of the unit. You will notice that each time you complete the Quantum Energy Hydrogen Water production cycle, each red light will turn blue. You can keep track of your consumption throughout your day by monitoring how many lights have gone from red to blue. This will show you how many cups you have consumed.
Your goal should be to turn eight red lights to blue daily and consume your Quantum Energy Hydrogen Water within five minutes after each cycle for maximum benefits.
While it is not required, this is a helpful tool to help you remember and monitor your progress throughout your day.
Important Note: Press and hold the bottom power button for 5 seconds if you need to reset the meter reading.
Water Intake Monitor
Cleaning The Unit
Use a soft head brush with a long handle to gently clean the inside of your unit. We recommend you do this as often as you feel it’s necessary. Use warm water only. Do not use any cleaning agents inside the device.
Do NOT use an abrasive brush to avoid scratching the unit.
Do NOT put any soap or cleaning products into your device.
Do NOT immerse your unit in water or place your unit in the dishwasher.
Use a mixture of water with either vinegar or citric acid to clean inside the device if needed. Be sure to rinse thoroughly.
Resetting The Unit
Video Instructions For Reset : https://youtu.be/55LEF85Za38
The unit might need to be reset occasionally. When necessary, you will hear a consistent beeping sound from the bottom component. Here are the steps to reset the device to solve this issue.
Plug the bottom charging port into the wall outlet with the charging wire.
With the device plugged in to charge, press and hold the bottom start button until the beeping stops.
Remove the device from the charger. The device is now reset and ready for use.
Do’s And Don’ts
We recommend drinking three to five cups daily for the first several days to allow your body to adjust (rapid detox can cause a headache side effect). Then increase to at least eight cups per day as recommended.
For best results, use natural spring water with healthy mineral content. If using alkaline water, do not use a Ph higher than 8.5 in the unit.
Do NOT use unfiltered tap water, as chemicals are usually used to treat the water that can harm both you and the device.
Use room temperature water only. Do not put hot or cold water into the device.
Do NOT drink directly from the device. Always pour the water into a cup and consume it within five minutes after the cycle is complete.
Take special care with the locking mechanism. Please always slide it up into the unlocked position when opening and closing the device.
Do NOT activate the device without water inside It can damage the mechanism and void the warranty.
Do NOT place anything other than water into the device.
Drink immediately after processing for maximum hydrogen value.
Do NOT place the device into the dishwasher.
Use the protective bag to protect the locking mechanism
Do NOT expose the bottle to direct sunlight.
Keep away from children.
How much Quantum H2 water should I drink daily for the best results?
We recommend at least 8 cups per day (eight ounces each). They may be consumed throughout the day. People with a medical condition(s) should consult with a doctor.
Can I drink more than 8 cups of Quantum H2 water daily?
Yes. The water is safe to drink as much as desired. People with a medical condition(s) should consult with a doctor.
How long does each charge last for the Quantum H2 water portable processor?
The quantum water portable device lasts approximately three days for each charge when used 8 to 10 times daily.
What kind of water is recommended for the Quantum H2 water processors?
We recommend using spring water or filtered water for the best results. As a rule of thumb, better water in equals better water out.
Can I drink the Quantum H2 water together when taking medications?
People with a medical condition(s) on medication should consult a doctor.
What is the best way to clean inside the portable Quantum H2 water device?
We recommended using a small elongated soft brush to gently remove any residue inside the device. Then rinse out with water.
Can I drink the Quantum H2 water with supplements?
Yes. The Quantum H2 water can be taken together with supplements. In fact, due to the high absorption of Quantum H2 water, the performance of the supplements will be enhanced.
Can I use the Quantum H2 water together when making smoothies?
Yes. The Quantum H2 water can be used when making smoothies. When used together, it will even improve the bio-availability of the smoothie’s nutrients.
How soon can I expect to experience results from drinking the Quantum H2 water?
Most people notice results after just one day of drinking the Quantum H2 water, especially when it comes to regulating one’s blood sugar levels.
Does the Quantum H2 water produce any adverse side effects?
No. There are no adverse side effects associated with drinking Quantum H2 water.
How long is the warranty for the devices?
The warranty is for 1 Year on all products.

6G Countertop Unit
Powering Up The Unit
Since the countertop unit is new to the United States, it is not yet available with the standard US Type B plug or standard US 110 voltage. It currently operates at 220 voltage with a British Type G plug. However, you will have received a UMI brand step-down transformer with your order to use the unit properly (UMI is our preferred transformer. It will arrive to you shipped separately).
First, plug the transformer into your US outlet and ensure it is activated (press the button on top of it to power it on, if needed). Next, plug your countertop unit into the transformer. Your countertop unit should light up and power on immediately with a motion-sensor audible voice welcome message.
Important Note: After unit set-up is completed, You can silence the motion-sensor voice by pressing and holding the “Energy-Rich” button for three seconds until you hear the beep. Please keep in mind that this voice mechanism delivers unit error messages, so if the unit is not functioning correctly for any reason, turn the voice back on and listen for the error to address.
Important Note: The unit has an automatic “Child Lock” feature. It will automatically enter lock mode, and the unit will sleep after several minutes of non-use. Waive your hand by the display to wake up the machine. Next, hold the red “Child Lock” button on the upper right to unlock the unit until the entire panel lights up. All lights will appear when successfully unlocked.
Child Lock Engaged (Press and Hold to Unlock)
Unlocked and Ready For Use
Priming The Unit
Power on the unit. It will power on automatically when plugged in. (There is no on/off switch; when the unit is plugged in and receiving power, it will turn on automatically.)
The unit has two reservoirs: a small internal reservoir accessible from the top for distilled water required by the unit to function and a rear two-liter external reservoir for drinking water.
Important Note: For this step, you will need either distilled water, RO water, or any water with a TDS (total dissolved solids) of less than ten. We recommend distilled water.
First, open the lid on the top of the unit to reveal the internal reservoir. You will see a rectangular-shaped white rubber cap. Remove that cap and pour your distilled water into the opening to fill to the top of the gray area. Replace the white cap.
Important Note: The distilled water in the internal reservoir is not for consumption. The device uses it to operate correctly. We recommend draining this water, discarding it, and replacing it with fresh distilled water monthly for best results.
Next, fill the rear two-liter reservoir with warm tap water.
Important Note: You will not be drinking this water. You will run it through the machine once to prepare the device for use and discard it.
After filling both reservoirs, press the “Hydrogen Rich” button in the upper left to allow the entire rear reservoir to process and flow through the unit.
Important Note: Be prepared with a container to catch the water flowing from the front of the unit during this process. Press the “Hydrogen Rich” button to stop and start this flow as needed. The flow will not stop until you press the button again to stop it. (Consider it a manual on/off switch for steady flow).
Once the entirety of the water from the rear reservoir has flowed through the unit and the back reservoir is empty, press the “Hydrogen Rich” button to stop the flow. Discard the warm water and do not consume it.
Your unit is now primed and ready for use. (This should be performed upon first use and if you have not used the unit for an extended period)
Internal Reservoir Access Point
Removable Two-Liter Rear Reservoir - Use Handle To Lift and Remove.
Hydrogen Rich button - Once turned on, it will provide continuous flow until manually turned off
Processing Quantum Energy Hydrogen Water
Fill the rear reservoir with room-temperature drinking water to the fill line and place it into the unit, ensuring locked in place.
We recommend natural spring water for best results; however, most filtered water is also okay.
Important Note: If using filtered water, ensure that your filter is not stripping out all of the healthy mineral content from your water, along with the harmful substances. Generally, Reverse Osmosis water, Purified water, Distilled water, and “Zero” filtered water (while clean) are all examples of water depleted of the healthy mineral content required for healthy living. They are not recommended as drinking water for use in the device. Natural Spring Water is highly recommended to ensure the most beneficial water possible and the best therapeutic results.
Important Note: High alkaline water is also NOT recommended. DO NOT use water with a Ph higher than 8.5 in the unit.
Once the reservoir is filled and in place, press the child safety button to unlock the unit.
Next, press the “Energy Rich” button until it lights up to begin processing the water. You will notice that the “Energy Rich” button has turned red, and the pyramid on top will start a light display ranging in colors. This process will run for fifteen minutes until complete. You will know it is completed when the pyramid lights turn off, and the “Energy Rich” button light is no longer red.
Important Note: The “Energy Rich” process should be run each time you refill the reservoir tank before drinking.
Do NOT use cold or hot water in the rear drinking reservoir. Water must be at room temperature only.
We recommend natural spring water for the best results.
Do not use water with a Ph higher than 8.5 in the unit.
Do NOT put any liquids besides natural spring or filtered water into the unit.
Do NOT activate the machine without water inside. It can damage the mechanism and void the warranty.
Press To Begin Processing - It Will Turn Red.
Unit Is Processing.
Drinking Quantum Energy Hydrogen Water
Congratulations. You have successfully processed your Quantum Energy Hydrogen Water and are ready to drink. You have several options.
You will notice there are several remaining buttons. You will use these buttons to produce your drinking water for consumption. Here is an explanation for each.
“150 ml” - this button delivers a pre-set 150 ml of water (Approximately 5 ounces). Place your glass under the front spout and press the button to activate. It will produce 150 ml of Quantum Energy H2 Water and then turn off automatically.
“250 ml” - this button delivers a pre-set 250 ml of water (Approximately 8.5 ounces). Place your glass under the front spout and press the button to activate. It will produce 250 ml of Quantum Energy H2 Water and then turn off automatically. This will likely be your most commonly used button.
“Hydrogen Rich” - this button acts as an on/off button to produce a continuous Quantum Energy H2 Water flow. Place your glass under the front spout and press the button to start the flow of drinking water. Press the button again to stop the flow when the desired amount has been expelled.
“Warm Water” - this button acts as an on/off button to produce a continuous Quantum Energy H2 Water flow of warm water for coffee or tea. Place your mug under the front spout and press the button to start the warm Q H2 drinking water flow. Press the button again to stop the flow when the desired amount has been expelled.
Important Note: The Hydrogen Rich and Warm Water buttons provide a continuous flow and require you to press again to stop the flow when desired. Only the 150 ml and 250 ml buttons offer preset amounts with an auto-shut-off feature.
Important Note: The “Energy Rich” process should be run each time you refill the reservoir tank. However, it does not need to be run before drinking each time. It will depend on your water consumption and how often you need to refill your tank. You can run this once or several times daily when refilling the reservoir.
Important Note: If you have drinking water that was processed once remaining in the rear reservoir that has sat overnight, feel free to press the “Energy Rich” button again in the morning to re-process it. It’s recommended to re-process your water to recharge it when appropriate.
Do NOT use cold or hot water in the device. Water must be at room temperature only.
We recommend natural spring water for the best results.
Do not use water with a Ph higher than 8.5 in the unit.
Do NOT put any liquids besides natural spring or filtered water into the unit.
Daily Water Intake
As a rule of thumb, it is recommended that we drink at least eight cups of water daily to maintain the proper level of hydration.
However, we recommend drinking no more than three to five cups daily for the first several days to allow your body to adjust (rapid detox can cause a headache side effect).
Then increase to at least eight cups per day as recommended.
Important Note: There is no recommended maximum amount. Each person will be different and can drink more according to their needs.
Changing The Distilled Water
We recommend changing the distilled water in the internal reservoir monthly as a best practice to help maximize the life of your machine.
Here are the steps to take to perform this maintenance.
Step 1. Locate the small white plug on the bottom back of the machine below the rear reservoir. Removing it allows the water to drain from the internal reservoir.
Step 2. Locate and remove the small gray round clip lock and set it aside.
Step 3. Place a container under the spout for the water to flow into when you remove/open it.
Step 4. With your thumbnail, push the inside round locking mechanism so it’s flush with the nut and, at the same time, pull out the plug stopper. You should feel it unlock and release. If it’s not releasing, push the locking mechanism (that the plug is inserted into) toward the machine.
Step 5. After removing the plug, the water will flow into your container. Let it flow until empty, and discard.
Step 6. Replace the plug and return the small round clip to its original place to secure it.
Step 7. Refill the internal reservoir with fresh distilled water as described in the earlier section on “Priming The Unit”.
Cleaning The Unit
The rear drinking reservoir is dishwasher safe. It should be removed from the unit and cleaned separately. Feel free to use soapy water (on the drinking water reservoir container only) or run through the dishwasher as needed.
Do NOT use an abrasive brush to avoid scratching the unit or plastic reservoir.
Do NOT put any soap or cleaning products into your device.
Do NOT immerse your unit in water or place your unit in the dishwasher.
Fill the rear reservoir with a mixture of water and either vinegar or citric acid and run it through the machine to clean as needed. Process warm tap water through the machine to rinse thoroughly. We recommend doing this at least once per year.
Do’s And Don’ts
We recommend drinking three to five cups daily for the first several days to allow your body to adjust (rapid detox can cause a headache side effect). Then increase to at least eight cups per day as recommended.
For best results, use natural spring water with healthy mineral content. If using alkaline water, do not use a Ph higher than 8.5 in the unit.
Do NOT use unfiltered tap water, as chemicals are usually used to treat the water that can harm both you and the device.
Use room temperature water only. Do not put hot or cold water into the device.
Do NOT activate the device without water inside the reservoirs. It can damage the mechanism and void the warranty.
Do NOT place anything other than water into the device.
Drink immediately after processing for maximum hydrogen value.
Do NOT place the device into the dishwasher.
Keep away from children.